LOW PRICE PLEDGE How does the RotronStore.com Low Price Pledge work?
If you find a lower price on an identical item, contact us by calling 512-206-0608, tell us about the lower price and we will match after verification.
Which items qualify for the RotronStore.com Low Price Pledge? Almost everything we sell. The item must be identical, including model number, components and US warranty. The item must be in stock, available for purchase and ready-to-ship at the matched price from an authorized US reseller (We reserve the right to verify the validity of the reseller).
Are quantities limited RotronStore.com Low Price Pledge items? Yes, we may limit the quantities of price-matched items sold to a customer.
Which items and services DO NOT qualify for the RotronStore.com Low Price Pledge? We do not price match items sold on auction sites or comparison-shopping sites. We will not match prices on pool equipment, service plans, installation or extended warranties. Taxes, typographical or ad errors, closeouts, clearance, liquidation, free product offers, special orders, offers advertised at a specific location and refurbished items are also excluded from this promise.
Do delivery charges qualify for the RotronStore.com Low Price Pledge?
Shipping charges are excluded from the Price Match Promise.
Will RotronStore.com match their own price if price has lowered since item was purchased? Upon the customer's request, RotronStore.com will refund the difference for an item purchased from us if, within a period of 30 days after purchase, that same item is subsequently sold at a lower price by RotronStore.com.